Field of engineering
How to change the biased view of technology?
By making it attractive! For a strong and futureproof country, it is crucial to introduce enough young people in the Netherlands to technology. For Sterk Techniek Onderwijs, we developed Bliq: a concept consisting of a video series and live events. The goal? To introduce students to the infinite possibilities of technology in a form that suits them. Numerous episodes of Bliq can now be seen on NXtv - an interactive video platform for technology. And sure enough, they are used daily by many schools.
Tomorrows business of Bliq is about making young people enthusiastic by exploring the endless possibilities of technology to show.
Bliq in numbers
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NXtv. Watch tech now!
NXtv is a video platform where (high) tech comes to life. Fun, exciting and spectacular! NXtv stimulates curiosity and rewards it richly with beautiful, inspiring and simply fun content about our audience's favorite topics.
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